In most teenagers this means to have all the qualities of being in a relationship with out the actual commitment. Like holding hands, kissing, hanging out, sometimes even sex. without the actual title "boyfriend" "girlfriend"
Friend: Is that your boyfriend/girlfriend ?

You: No he's/she's just a friend.

Friend: Why were you kissing your friend ?

You: friends with benefits
by yootinaa August 15, 2015
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Two friends that have an attraction to eachother but can't be in an official relationship for whatever reason.
Jane and Arthur like eachother but are only friends with benefits because of the age difference.
by Annalou March 31, 2007
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A healthy, fun sexual relationship between two people......
Until one falls for the other, The friendship blows to
pieces. And those two people find themselves worse off than
they were before.
Chuck and I are friends with benefits.
by Aimee's 2 cents March 30, 2006
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Two very good friends that share in sexual acts with eachother with no emotional connection or boyfriend-girlfriend label. Just engaging in the act of sex for fun.
"We fucked, but we didn't date. It was just a friends with benefits type thing, don't worry about it."
by Eric March 9, 2005
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A person that you have a sexual relationship without being emotionally involved. However, if you're a girl you know that it's impossible to have a sexual relationship without getting your emotions involved. Usually you end up being afraid to tell the person that you want serious committment because you don't want to be rejected. You keep your friends wtih benefits relationship because you are afraid of losing the person all together but it hurts you because you want more. You know you should tell the person how you really feel but you can't because you love them and you're afraid of losing them. When you finally do tell the person that you love them they might tell you that they love you back, if they don't then you can both move on, either way it's worth a shot because if you don't ask you'll never know.

Sally: I love you John, I want more than friends with benefits.
Fred: Why didn't you say something sooner? I love you too! Let's be boyfriend and girlfriend.
by Veggie Lover March 17, 2009
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Two friends with a very casual dating relationship. The benefits can be really good, long, flirty conversations; make-out sessions with no commitment; sex without commitment; etc.
by Jane Lane October 5, 2003
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