1) A very large structure, often atop buildings. Its only purpose is to have large posters plastered to it to advertise to drivers and their passengers.
2) Anyone who where clothing which features the company that made it, like most T-Shirts made by Nike or Tommy Hilfiger
1) Driver: Look at that Captain Morgan's billboard.
Passenger: Let's go to the liquor store.

2) Idiot: Check out my Nike T-Shirt. It was only $35.
Anyone smarter than the apes: You stupid fucker, that's just a regular black T-Shirt that says "Nike". You wasted $35 to be a billboard.
by Anonymous June 29, 2003
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when you are getting blown, ejaculate on the girl's forehead and (using your finger) proceed to write your name on her foreheard using the jizz
"Yo I totally billboarded this girl last night, I wrote N-I-C-K right across her forehead.
by Nicktastic October 30, 2007
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An advertisement designed to distract people on the highway and cause accidents
All I did was turn my head to see the Victoria's Secret billboard, and the next thing I know there's a Miata under my front axle
by Duke July 10, 2003
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Another method of brainwashing the public with corporate propagand, covered with propaganda patterned wallpaper and stuck on with paste.
I saw this billboard the other day, and the advert on it told me to watch the news channel, so i did. Dunno why though...
by Mad Vlad July 6, 2003
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Targets, signs by the road that are fun to shoot.
While I was riding home from work, I got out my gun and shot at a billboard.
by Clinkler April 27, 2008
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A 2x4 used in mafia debt collection.
So yous don't got the fuckin' money, eh? Hey Tony! Bring me the fuckin' billboard!
by Anonymous July 10, 2003
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Ugly wastes of advertising, and road side litter. Let the sky be seen
Passing one day on 410@90 in San antonio a sign with the words UGLY KIDS
and a picture of two ugly kids on each side of the white letters.
by Katastrophic September 11, 2003
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