one who acts like a baby, does something childish, or is incapable of doing something themselves.
Michael: Hey brandon, bryan needs a ride from work.

Brandon: I don't want to pick up that baby ass nigga!
by michael hansmeyer October 23, 2007
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The harshest, most severe insult you can hurl at someone on GroupMe. A comeback used when you have nothing more intelligent to say, can't think of a witty comeback in an argument, and a last resort for most but a first resort for certain badass Chemistry majors in the state of Arkansas.
Wes: Bro, you ran the same play you always run, scrambled around for 37 seconds in the backfield, launched it 67 yards downfield, made a diving one handed catch, and converted the 4th and 24. That's some bull shit and you know it.

Freddie: Cry baby ass nigga
by Mr. Make it Rain on Dem February 17, 2014
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a person that have a baby dick ;little;shmeat
Shut the fuck up baby dick ass nigga
by Define man CJ November 29, 2018
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