Bella h is a popular bum and also too smart to be dumb therefore is a popular nerd
by Popular nerd May 19, 2021
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A popular high school who is usually dating a handsome athlete! (50% will get pregnant before the age of 20)
I would have been a popular POM POM with an American passports!
by TheBlueLeo April 20, 2019
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Terms that are widely used that may include metaphors, similes, idioms, etc.

Lit” and “yeet” are an example of a “popular terms”.
“Yo! Greta be yeeting that lit party!”
“My fellow friends, leteth thee use popular terms in thy words”

“Lol, let’s hang with that britteney bitch.”

Lmfao I have no idea what I’m doing I’m just rlly bored. -creator
by Bored reptilian July 8, 2018
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When a person in school is popular enough to be known throughout the entire school district.
That girl has so many friends, she's district popular.
by Districtpopular June 4, 2018
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It obliterates you, disintegrates you, annihilates you when you are about to break down. Often replaced by "Jugular Hamster" , "Binocular Master" , Tubular Pornstar" and so on.
Stranger: Are you a Popular, Popular Monster?
Popular Monster: I'm a liar, I'm a cheater, I'm a non-believer.
by zsirsiraly October 2, 2020
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you . “you” is the most popular word because it always rounds back to the person reading this .
friend 1 “i wonder who’s the most popular person!!”

friend 2 “you are! duhhhhh!”
by vscogurlllll September 27, 2021
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