this is commomly used when someone says something harsh to ya and you cant be arsed to say anything back so you just reply ya face is and there you are problem solved.
by lewis tee ov gilesgate July 24, 2008
It is a phrase that can be used when a person does not have the energy to respond with any other coherent answer. Also used when a quick witted comeback eludes your mind.
by ya face February 4, 2005
lane said 'man, i want sum food'
will said' i want ya face'
ben said 'ya face wants ya face'
sam said 'ur all a bunch of faces'
tristan was fucked in the corner haha
by will7989 March 14, 2007
A term coined by Lewis Camacho (arguably the most charming and important non-intellectual of our time -beat that Chomsky-). A virulent phrase meant to envoke sadness in the recipient and display pure contempt for the recipient. It evolved from the latin "I laugh in Ya Face" which because of the actual laughing couldn't be fully understood hence HAAAHAHA "YA FACE".
by STUFF'N'THINGS September 13, 2003
it is what it is....if a person says something stupid to you then you reply with this. Originating from St. Martinville, LA by a Blanchard sister.
Person: I hate you!!
You: YA FACE!!
Meaning: I hate YA FACE.
Person: You're stupid!!
You: YA FACE!!
Meaning: YA FACE is stupid.
You: YA FACE!!
Meaning: I hate YA FACE.
Person: You're stupid!!
You: YA FACE!!
Meaning: YA FACE is stupid.
by kbviator January 31, 2011
Literally, "your face" but used as if to say "your ugly face," usually as a non sequitur in answer to questions.
by The Doctor November 11, 2004