When the fine folks down at Microsoft become not so fine, and ban you for some really stupid reasons. It could be temporary, or permanent. When you have served your term of banishment, you come back to find your account haggled over with the sentence, "Code of Conduct". Seriously Microsoft. Grow up.
When Microsoft banned me for two days, i was out of town, the best part was i didn't know until i saw said sentence "Code of Conduct" so i just had a laughing fit over it at Microsoft's slow reaction time for something that had been reported a long time ago.

Bob's Avatar logo: Coming to kick yo @$$ Bob= Banned 2 days.

Bob: Dammit, Some Mormon family reported me for my whole clans logo.

Bob's new Avatar logo: Let's get those assholes!

Bob: Take that Xbox Code of conduct!
by daplayahata10 July 9, 2011
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