Everyone has or knows a Wank Waffle in there local street/neighbourhood or work place and pub etc..Its a term for someone who likes to think of themselves as a "know it all" and anything you have done they have always done it but much better..The term Wank waffle can also be used for someone who talks absolute bullshit 24/7 and they also like to think they know about everything and everyone..The term can be used for a person who likes to make up lies about others and also likes to stir shit about others..Another words a bullshiter..Im sure you all know someone that fits this term...
by Dolphin shaver January 25, 2010
'Filler text' conversation, the verbal equivalent of Lorem Ipsum; where words and sounds are heard but nothing is actually said, i.e no context or substance. This is typically witnessed in politics, mumbling noises until the moment is over, or a new distraction is present.
by TheGreenGoddess October 22, 2020
The process of you beating your meat between two waffles and then serving this home made dessert to dinner guests.. including the special sauce
by Anony12211221 May 28, 2024