Descriptor for things that retarded, attention horny people call "racist" even though they're categorically not.
Prison labor, Confederate flags and monuments, the border wall and IQ tests are examples of wacist things.
The Washington Football Team used to have a name until people decided it was wacist.
by R. N. McFuckstain December 28, 2021
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The act of antagonizing or discriminating against weebs
You don’t like weebs, you must be wacist.
by Himanmnamamamsm October 30, 2020
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The proper Canadian pronunciation of the American English word racist. Used by news anchors and radio personalities in Canada.
Youw a wacist ma'am, you said that then I know youw a waist.
by Solid Mantis July 31, 2016
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A wacist says "white males are evil from the moment the doctor spanks them on the butt to get them to breath until the day they die."
by catsupdog October 19, 2022
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