The Niggatron is a substitute teacher in a huge school district. He is extremely black and niggaish. His job is to go off and punish people that say “nigga” that aren’t either black or have a pass. If it happens during his work as a substitute, he will find an excuse to walk out, change into his costume, and come back. Anyone that can’t call him The Niggatron has to call him The Kachiggatron.
He usually wears a polo shirt, jeans, and Jordan’s. One of his famous moves is sticking his Jordan’s so deep in someone’s asshole, they poke out the victim’s mouth.
Jamal: Scott, if you say nigga, the Niggatron will come and beat the fuck out of you.
Scott: Yeah right, I’m not scared of a fictional person.
Jamal: Okay, then say it.
Scott: Alrighty... WHAT’S GOOD NIGGA?
Jamal: Hey Scott, what’s that coming from over there?
(The Niggatron kills Scott.)
by _Black_Magic_ November 27, 2019
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A John-Deere cotton harvesting machine that is basically a slave that doesn't need food or water
Damn my fellow cracker! I just bought myself a slave-o 2000. That ain't a slave-o 2000, thats the new NIGGATRON. Now it's time to fuck my cousin
by allahu-snackbar March 20, 2018
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The combination of the 5 nigga ranger, their ranger colors, all different shades of black. They form to make the ultimate Nigga as it fights white supremacy but overall become slaves to the white people and use the robot to pick cotton.
White nigga : isn't that those nigga rangers
Light Black Ranger : Come my nigga rangers, TRANSFORM
White nigga : oh shit not that niggatron again, GO PICK OUR COTTON
by RedDemon01 September 11, 2019
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a transormer that can turn into a carrot and talks in ebonics
niggatron is a decepticon
by patty January 24, 2005
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Mega Nigga
Also if the transformers were black
Josh: Yo, Justin is acting like a dick today
Jerome: Yeah, he's been a real niggatron today
by Albino Nigerian June 11, 2019
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