The origin is Hebrew, a very common phrase in Israel. Used to denote the fact that some proposal is possible, but the answer is not final.
by Roee Adler March 14, 2005
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a protective garment for those funny moments when you just can't hold it in any longer. sort of like depends... but for hipsters.
example 1:
friend 1: hey you wanna go see the new tina fey movie?

friend 2: sure, but let me put on a fresh situational.

example 2:

good thing we're not watching a comedy tonight, at least I won't need my situationals.
by monelisa503 August 15, 2009
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Situater: The pipe or any paraphernalia you do drugs from.
Situated: To be high or drunk. Situater is what your doing it from. Needle, pipe...ect.
Yo Lil Scrappy let me hit that situater! I been waitn all day to get high!
by The1Moore March 30, 2021
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used in conjunction with "like these" to express despair and/or amusement at a given occurrence.
"i've just stabbed myself in the eye with a serving utensil whilst dishing up some quiche... and just before my hot date, too"
"situations like these..."
by tree September 21, 2004
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Something that is created when you’re stuck in quarantine for three months.
We’re in a bit of a situation rn.
by Pialinist June 11, 2020
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to situate something
every thing gets situateds at some point,
situate means "to hang out the back of" or "kill" or "situate!"
oi you nob situate the situation
yeah boy i situated her nicely
im gonna have to situate that fool!
by halo9 May 15, 2006
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noun. a degree of attractiveness that is strongly influenced by the relationship of the subject's looks compared to those in proximity.
"I am totally into Peg from accounting."
"Ugh? She's totally hot!"
"Total situational man, if you saw her out a club, you wouldn't give her a second glance."
by They call me "The Kid" December 2, 2007
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