A catch phrase used to describe a reckless, careless, or self-centered way of thinking and acting as demonstrated by many individuals from Generation Y generation y (millennials, born between 1976 - 1995) also known as the "Me Generation".
"Dude, you're wasted again? That's so me gen!"
by Gen X'er February 25, 2013
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The act of pretending to be a perpetual victim to the point you choose to try to manipulate others. Having no self esteem to the point you perceive everything with a negative connotation. Being conveniently offended by everything one side of the family does or says.
When you’re looking for a wife, make sure she’s not a gen.

Wife - your family only calls when our baby gets hurt, why are they calling now?
Husband - ahhh that’s so gen, they do call but I only answer when I’m not around you because you get mad.
by Poopsquared August 26, 2023
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