Reddit (/ˈrɛdɪt/): A large collection of douche bags and dick heads who drastically suffer from the Dunning-Kruger effect and posses a severe superiority complex, although the majority are ignorant losers and idiots.
Those Reddit idiots are a bunch of morons.
by ViXiVTech July 26, 2018
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A clusterfuck of trolls and memelords that will drive you to suicide.
Reddit is why we can’t have nice things.
by TH47 July 16, 2018
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Person: I went on Reddit today.

Other person: Oh god...
by Rusty Rusty Rusty September 4, 2020
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A mindless cesspool of people doing circlejerk memes and topics like r/politics or r/atheism and many people make rather unfunny memes or jokes that are only funny if you have a low IQ. The community is toxic and there has been rising tensions for the political subreddits and honestly it is not an intellectual safe haven, it is like a neutered 4chan and will drive you crazy over the stupidity of reddit users and their stupid threads.
Reddit user 1: Haha Donald Trump is a wacko!
Reddit user 2: Nuh uh, crooked hillary is!
Reddit user 3: religion is for dumb dumbs
Reddit user 4: atheist are pretentious cunts
by Deadmojo July 14, 2018
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A social media sharing website that is so bad on user friendliness that you have to put yourself in some kind of mental prison just to survive. The only notable good thing about it is the ability to stay anonymous (and some decently good sub). And default reddit group moderators are the worst.

Steve Hoffman and Alexis Ohanian have turned this website into an incompetent mess of a circle-jerk cesspool.
Random redditor #1: Hey look at my account, I have more than 1 million karma points and more than 3 years of free premium membership!
Random redditor #2: What a Karma Whore!
Random redditor #1 fights with Random redditor #2.
Average internet user: See, this is why redditors are losers in life.
by YNWAMQUC May 13, 2019
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Horrible website with shitty people. I'm talking the shittiest scum of the earth people on the whole planet. Uncool, dumb, copying personalities, that are so triggered and insecure and come to talk shit on the internet utilising false witty jokes, that only they think are cool, the redditor scum. Death to this channel.
"You can go check out that info on reddit... Oh wait, it's full of cunts who will only come to distract you from work with insults and get you banned cause you don't clone their ass of an attempt at humour, don't fucking bother."
by Prince Rocksteen November 1, 2019
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A website that requires the user to pour bleach on their brain every time they use it.
"Reddit is quality autism and cancer", Zach said
by Cringey 12 yr old May 14, 2017
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