Arguably one of the most over-rated bands of our time. They produced music stolen from other musicians. Listened to by various illiterate people who could be defined as a bogan or stoner/druggie etc. ‘Rebellious’ teenagers smoked pot to one of their songs, Stairway to Heaven, in the seventies. A band still worshipped by clapped out baby-boomers and teenage losers who are trying to be different.
Otto (the constantly stoned bus driver from The Simpsons): *floating away* Zeppelin rules!!!
Children: *roll eyes*
by Civilised good music fan April 2, 2005
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1. Man, Jonathan is such a Led Zeppeling.

2. If only I knew as much about Zeppelin as all those Led Zeppelings out there.
by thelingohermit June 2, 2007
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Without a doubt the most overrated band in the history of human civilization. Talented musicians; but not as great as most of the aging parents of scrawny long haired white people will say. They have made two good sns and the rest are decent. Just decent, mostly fit only for car commercals. Excellent group but sorry fan boys, not as incredible as you may believe.
Guy: Wow, this CD has a really cool cover
Me: Led Zeppelin's albums always do. You should buy it. The music's pretty god.
LedZepFanatic: "Pretty god"? ARE YOU FUCKIN' CRAZY?! Led Zeppelin's the best band EVER. You've probably just heard stairway so you don't understand!
Me...No, I have this CD and I've listened to all the tracks.
Guy: Oh well, I can't afford it anyways.
Me: It's overpriced.
by Freller September 1, 2004
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Some shitty over rated band
Classic Rock kid: ZOMG Led Zeppelin is teh best band ever!!!!

Me: smack them and hand them a Grateful Dead Cd
by Sonny is Dead January 13, 2007
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a band thats not terrible, but extremely overrated
Pearl Jam is better than led zeppelin.
by foreelz April 18, 2009
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An extremely overrated band from the late 60's, 70's. Retards say that there would be no metal without Led Zeppelin, how could that be when Black Sabbath formed before Led Zeppelin's debut was released?
by Bobart jr. May 17, 2005
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Led Zeppelin are overrated, just like The Doors.
Led Zeppelin are the true definition of overrated. For a much better band, that is definitely NOT overrated, please learn about Pink Floyd.
by not found [Error 404] September 4, 2007
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