Kölleda is a small shitty town in the middle of Germany.
Nobody in the town likes it there and all of them want to leave.
You have nothing todo there and nobody is proud of this place so when someone asks you where you live you have to make up a new town to cover up that you live in Kölleda.
The only good thing you have is a nice chinese restaurant.

And the people living there mostly consist of neo nazis or leftists which makes it even worse.
And drugs are a big problem too, everywhere you go you can get crack, weed, or other stuff like that.
Person 1: Hey dude where du you live.
Person 2: Ehhh I live in Buxtehude. (totally not in Kölleda)
Person 1: Cool when can I visit you.
Person 2: Fuck. ..... (this friendship is not gonna hold long enough)
by Sprudel12345 July 4, 2020
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It is a small town in the middle of germany.
It has nothing in the area to have fun with or to entertain you.
It is a pisshole.
Person 1: Hey man what are you doing.
Person 2: Nothing
Person 1: I bet you Live in Kölleda
by Sprudel12345 June 25, 2020
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