A Scandinavian Name that means "Savior"
leaf did you see that guy named Jorel he was like Jesus.
by oni guy September 8, 2010
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A very sweet man. He will always be there for his date. He will most likely have a girl that starts with a J. He will be a "savior" and will be the best man. He loves playing video games and watching YouTube.
You need a Jorel
by Jrellyo March 1, 2017
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A sexy man who can accomplish anything in life, and will have a beautiful girlfriend, and he has extremely huge muscles and a enormous cock
That guy definitely looked like a jorell
by Jack planter December 10, 2021
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Anything that is named Jorelle is very attractive.
ex: Damn that kid is so jorelle
by fav145d July 1, 2014
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A guy that only dates needy bitches and has a chode.
"Did you see how many gimme girls Jorel has gotten within the last year?"
by vik122001 November 22, 2018
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"Look at the majestic Jorel swimming next to its mother."
by treehugga July 11, 2008
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Generally a black person, however, it is possible that their background can consist of a multitude of different ethnicities (a.k.a a mutt).
The Jorel had a difficult time tracing his origins because all of his relatives were whores.

Boy 1:I'm Indian!
Girl 1: I'm Scandinavian!
Boy 2: I'm a Jorel!

by Freakychick77 July 11, 2008
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