The protagonist in the best-selling fiction book of all time.

Spolier Alert: Jesus dies.

Also used as an exclamation of shock. It can be used with the conjuction of another word inserted between 'Jesus' and 'Christ'.
1) Reference to Bible

Pastor: So have you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour?
Jessica: Oh wait, you mean that dude with the beard who's the main character in that popular bullshit book where magic happens? That one? Nah... did you hear I'm officially atheist?

2) - Shock

Ally: Did you hear Dan got into jail?
Ben: Jesus Christ! How the hell'd that happen!?

3) In conjuction with another word.

Tom: So what answer did you get for 5c on the maths homework?
Olly: Jesus rollerblading Christ, I forgot we had homework!
Lolita: So... when's your birthday again?
Beth: Jesus fucking Christ Lolita, how many times do I have to tell you?
by HelloWorld121 July 28, 2011
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1. A word used to express anger. Avoid saying this in front of Jesus Freaks, it will upset them.

2. Some guy stated in the Bible. He supposedly died on a cross and died for our sins. Now he's gonna save us all or something like that. Of course we all know this is absolutely retarded, after all, the only reference is a really big book.
1. Jesus Christ, why the hell is my wife doing another man in my bed??

2. All the Bible is, is a big book, ok?? Who wrote the book? God? Ok. Yeah. God wrote the Bible and then came down to earth and gave it to some guy so he could show it to everyone. YEAH RIGHT. You know what really happened? Some guy wrote all this bull so that he could make some money.

And how come even in the Bible, men have all the power? I though "Jesus" believed in equality for everyone!! Wtf?

Tell you what, when Jesus "Saves" you, I want you to come down here with him and show me. THEN I'll believe it. Thank you.
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Interjection best used when in pain, surprise, or discontent. See also shit,holy shit.
Jesus Christ: I am your lord and savior. I have returned.
Person: Jesus Christ!
by Jesus Himself April 24, 2005
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An exclamation gemerally used to express anguish or dismay.
Jim: Some mo fo just keyed your ride dude !


In poker your straight loses to a full house and you exclaim JESUS CHRIST ! !
by MDog221 July 15, 2006
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a slang term refering to a man who died about 2000 years ago. Translation: Josh of Nazarath. many people pretend to "love" him. they say "he lives in the sky and is looking down at me!". these gullible people are then taken advantage of.
political leader: I pray every day! and you know what Jesus Christ tells me to do? Just a little invasion, just a little killing, but in the name of LOVE and JESUS and a BETTER FUTURE!! I know you have to fight your heart to believe this, but that's what religion's all about! PRAISE!

silly followers: Beloved Leader! He is correct! i mean, whats wrong with killing? in the bible, people justified their hate all the time by saying "God told me to smite you". Vengefull, that God of ours!!! But in a loving way.
by Daniel Payne April 2, 2005
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God's son who took the punishment, (Dying) you and I deserve for our sins. He did this because he loves us, so that we could be forgiven and have a relationship (like a father to a son, a best friend, a teacher, a helper, etc.) with him and have eternal life. John 3: 16 - "For God so loved the world that he sent his one and only son so that whoever might believe in him will not perish but have eternal life."
Repent and turn from your sins. Jesus Christ will forgive you.

Jesus Christ loves you personally

Jesus Christ saved you from death

Jesus Christ wants you to get to know him, he already knows you.
by A Child of God. February 10, 2021
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Not only is he the dude who mows my lawn, he is the world's most popular imaginary friend! Second only to Barney and Santa of course. But he is way too far out of their league to even be compared.
When Jesus Christ goes home from mowing my lawn, he gives Santa and Barney the old Mormon Fistbump.
by Why do I have a t-shirt cannon January 13, 2011
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