Honey Bunny

Term of endearment invented by Quentin Tarantino and made famous by the movie Pulp Fiction
It's cool, Honey Bunny, we're still cool.
by bombchu March 11, 2004
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Honey Bunny

A sassy black girl with long fake nails and fake hair. Usually travel in groups. Can be heard speaking what sounds like their own language in a much higher pitch and volume. Wardrobe consists of the latest swap meet fashion items and knock off bags.
Have you seen the new Ludacris video? I saw that honey bunny on Maury!
by Baby Loose-Neck February 28, 2010
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Honey bunny

Someone who is cute,fine,hot,etc. Made famous by Ben in paper towns. It could be both boys and girls
by Raw-men-noodlez August 08, 2017
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Honey Bunny Bear

Honey Bunny Bear is your boo and you protect her whenever for whatever no matter what and no matter how far you got her back and ride for her.
by 17012014 July 12, 2018
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Honey Bunny Pooh Bear

A real bear that rarely makes an appearance in today's society. This specific type of bear thoroughly enjoys a large pot of honey and sometimes will go through large measures just to obtain one.
Gosh darn, I have to run to the grocery store again because those Honey Bunny Pooh Bear's took our honey again! Mom, is it true that those Honey Bunny Pooh Bear's have a cannibalistic leader? I wonder what society would be like if those Honey Bunny Pooh Bears just came out of hiding.
by Wordsmith Galore May 21, 2012
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Honey bunny boo-boo Millie- Millie moo-moo squishy butt baby cakes honey bunny waa-waa is a term used by obsessive older sisters for their younger sister. To use this term with your younger siblings replace the word Millie with their name. Ex: Honey bunny boo-boo Maxy- Maxy moo-moo squishy butt baby cakes honey bunny waa-waa. Be sure to entirely memorize this nickname before considering use.
"You are my Honey bunny boo-boo Millie- Millie moo-moo squishy butt baby cakes honey bunny waa-waa!"
by Definitions@123 January 07, 2022
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