A sea nymph from Greek Mythology; who's father was the titan Atlas. Calypso was imprisoned on an island for supporting her father, a titan during the war between the Olympians and Titans.
See above definition of Calypso.
by Jade Valentine July 18, 2009
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An intelligent chick with a kick ass personality and style to match. She has a quick wit and unrelenting sarcasm. The boys all love her!
Guy: *wolf whistles* damn, look at that smokin' chick!
Guy2: Yep, thats gotta be Calypso.
by BeckyK October 14, 2012
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The personification of cool. Calypso combines the words cool and sweet into a ice cold treat!
That tune is Calypso!
you are looking mighty Calypso today
by Lord Vadher July 6, 2012
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A pretty, blonde girl. She is smart and funny but occasionally doesn't think before talking. She is a serial dater and has amazing loyal friends. You can either love her or hate her.
Girl 1: OMG, did you just hear what Calypso just said?
Girl 2: She appears to be suffering from a bit of foot-in-mouth syndrome.
Girl 1: Oh well, at least she always makes up for it.
by Mika99 July 31, 2012
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A type of music that originated in the West Indies, notably in Trinidad, and is characterized by improvised lyrics on topical or broadly humorous subjects.
also see soca, reggae, dancehall, rocksteady
by wawa November 30, 2004
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Drop dead gorgeous with a huge ass and wild heart. Looks mean but is actually a sweet heart. Always the center of attention, a Calypso is easy to love, every guy wants her & every girl wants to be her. Never quick to judge and knows how to have a good time. Doesn't settle easily. Has the looks of a goddess. One in a million type of girl .
Jake: "dude that girl is smokin hot, watch me get her number"

Brad: "Oh that's Calypso, keep dreaming bro, everyone wants her!"

Jake: "true *sigh*"
by Looooooooooooove June 25, 2016
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Hottest chick you'll be lucky enough to know. Smart, passionate *wink wink* and funny as hell. Ass like a goddess and a face like a princess.
Boy 1: "Bro that chick can get it any day"

Boy 2: "You gotta be talking bout Calypso

Boy 1: "Did you hear what Calypso said in class today"

Boy 2: "Fuck yeah, she's funny, I wish she'd sit on my face and tell me jokes"
by Thatgoatdude69 September 19, 2015
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