Sometime used to describe powerful persons or entities (company, society, government, etc.) in a pejorative way. Especially if the person or entity takes important decisions. Capitalization is a key.
Big Brother is watching you.
Big Boss. (Bruce Lee's movie)
Big Pharma takes care of financial profits, not patient's health.
by Tin Image January 31, 2007
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A word that means something is large.

The opposite meaning of small.
Example: Look! This mansion is big! I can’t even imagine.
by Plz no that’s dumb December 3, 2017
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Like my shlong
Mom: Hey look at how big that elephant is!!
You: Like my schlong B)
by iueriueriueriuoer November 20, 2021
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Used to emphasis on a a person or thing usually an action.
Yesterday me and the boys were big chilling at my crib
by Instagram toesman.jpg July 18, 2019
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another word for trippy

supposed to sound post 70s early 80's

Smalll written with three L's means lame
Sheldon: That band was so big man
Derek: Shoot no kidding
Sheldon: Those pants that that girl wore were pretty smalll though'
by lllarry February 5, 2010
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A way to describe something that a heavier set and/or larger person with lazy means would’ve done, said or acted. Can be used for “dick-ish moves” that a heavier set and/or larger has committed or was said to commit.

Person 1: “Can you please grab the remote off the table for me please?”

Person 2 (the larger/lazy person): “* sighs* But that’s too far... why don’t you just grab it. You’re closer.”

Person 1 (now agitated): “That’s big! You suck, you tubby ass dude!”
by humidified_greatly December 4, 2018
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