When something or someone reaches Kim Taehyung's level of beauty, so beautiful that it needed its own new descriptive adjective
Steph is beautaeful
by estaetic December 11, 2017
Guy definition: a very hot and sexy woman with a fine ass.
Girl deffinition: an ugly or fat chick.
Its a way for guys to communicate to each other in front of their girlfriends without getting yelled at by their woman.
Girl deffinition: an ugly or fat chick.
Its a way for guys to communicate to each other in front of their girlfriends without getting yelled at by their woman.
You're walking through the mall with your budd and your girl.
You want to point them out to your friend without your girl getting mad.
Well good thing hot chicks always travel with a fat ugly one.
You; look at that beauta-butt
(Your girl instantly turns around)
Friend; she is repulsive.
You; yeah she is, DAMN
Friend; she is so fat.
You; look at the size of that ass on her.
While still enjoying the view.
Your girl has no idea you're talking about the hot one with the nice titts and ass. She doesn't get mad or think a thing.
Kind of a reverse phycology type of thing.
It really works. Been doing it for years.
You want to point them out to your friend without your girl getting mad.
Well good thing hot chicks always travel with a fat ugly one.
You; look at that beauta-butt
(Your girl instantly turns around)
Friend; she is repulsive.
You; yeah she is, DAMN
Friend; she is so fat.
You; look at the size of that ass on her.
While still enjoying the view.
Your girl has no idea you're talking about the hot one with the nice titts and ass. She doesn't get mad or think a thing.
Kind of a reverse phycology type of thing.
It really works. Been doing it for years.
by coryjay February 5, 2010
Beautae represents an astonishingly beautiful woman when seen at first she may be gaurded by a desk or a crowd which prevents getting a correct look. Once a beautae is spotted it may become overwhelmingly hard to focus or even remember your own name. These effects can go on for weeks, months, or even years. To wrap it up she must have all of the following to be considered a Beautae. Great natural flowing hair, a very radiant smile with flawless teeth, great lips that alone may put you into a trance, a very well and naturally proportioned chest and bust line, all together with an enchanting set of legs that are perfect in length but most importantly when she turns around you will be blown away by her real derrière. There have been very few men in the existence of man kind to not only touch but to actually explore the derrière on one of the very rare woman of the beautae rarity.
by MilkManKev September 3, 2019