A word commonly used by employees of BMW to refer to there yearly appraisals, which involves there managers sitting them down and trying to justify there poor Bonus this year on acount of them containing more abuse then praise!
Whats up with you mate?
Just been for my bloody abusal, shit again like last year!
by Dremscape December 12, 2008
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The misuse of a Bove
AB-Ouch, that's abusion, you lowly commoner

DS-Sorry Melord
by Commoner DS June 23, 2005
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A kick-ass 2d shooting network game for the mac.
I just played abuse on our LAN.
by duality April 1, 2005
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The joy found from the abuse of others or the reception of abuse.

verb: abuseming
I am glad to be the source of my girlfriend abusement.
by beattensilly February 21, 2011
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Exclamation. Used during poker when an unexpected play happens.
Grapping the pot because he was certain his full house had the pot, Fred was suddenly shocked by George, who he was sure was bluffing. "Abuse" cried the table when they saw George lay down four of a kind.
by Think October 13, 2004
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when a man slaps a woman with his palm side.
Man: Bitch! I said they dont speak German in Mexico

Retarded Woman: But the boarder jumper said they do!

Man: Keep on mocking me woman! I'm going to cherry cheese cake you in 2 seconds, if you don't shut up about the boarder jumper too! And no getting high after midnight!

Retarded Woman: But Dirty Sanchez said they do speak German! And I'm not high, fuck nut!

Man: I had it with your imaginary boarder jumper named Dirty Sanchez! AHHHHHHHH! (Man abuses Retarded Woman)
by Numba1AerosmithFan January 16, 2010
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Bonnie's tight usless gay ass, he whips his kids and leaves his sexual partner right before release. And then he wonders where he went wrong like some autistic mother fucker.
Why are you so autistic? "I had an abusive Bonnie as a parent, nuff said."
by Brain Jr. March 16, 2018
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