The most fun anyone can have without drugs. Its like never having to know what is happening anywhere but inside your own little world. It really bothers parents and teachers but sucks for them, the fuckers!
Seriously dude, my mom thinks I'm ADHD just because someti holy shit a squirrel I gotta go bye!
by rawrrrz June 17, 2009
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Attention Defecite Hyperactive Disorder in which we aka. NORMAL PEOPLE have trouble CONCENTRATING and at younger ages, sitting still! We are still able to function and I have found in my observation of myself, having ADHD, we actually tend to have more intelligence than the average perso so you need to stop calling us idiots because we are smater than you and we are normal people. Having ADHD affecst our living and you making fun of us makes it harder. Now we have to listen to ur bull and find ways to survive and get good grades so we can have good lives.
Teacher: Oh so I see you have ADHD!
by ADHD KID January 15, 2009
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One of several supposed disorders a doctor may diagnose one of having. I was diagnosed with ADD, so I'm not BSing here. I was given Ritalin, which caused side effects such as appetite suppression and strange throat pain. After quitting the drug, I felt much better. I regained the weight and did not have any mental problems. Okay, so maybe I was a little hyper as a kid, but I blame it on the sugar.

I must say it is totally wrong and apalling to pass off someone diagnosed with ADD or ADHD as a retard or idiot, they probably are smarter than you ;), and are just a victim of modern "medicine".
Doctor: He has ADHD, I prescribe Ritalin. That'll be $150.
by spacecoyote17 July 18, 2006
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A mental disorder, common in children, that only affects 10% of kids who claim to have it. It causes hyperactivity and a low attemtion span. I hate ADHD. Im socially awkward because of it and have almost no friends. Im ridiculed in school, and labeled as a "retard" and "idiot" even though i have a genius level IQ. No, i dont take ritalin, im not a stoner, and i have feelings. ADHD is also referred to as "ADD". It is the basis of many stereotypes.
1. Hey, he has ADHD, he must be an idiot!
2. Its not my fault that i have ADHD.

3. "cool kid": hey guys, i have ADHD! He (guy who actually has ADHD) is a RETARD!
by Kyle. My name is Kyle. February 26, 2012
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I real mental disorder that is NOT just an excuse to bring fidget spinners to school. If you want to know more, Google is your friend.
I know someone with ADHD and it's really annoying when people joke about it or call it a disease.
by Being. Human, Being September 29, 2017
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by Dolphins!! <33 May 14, 2023
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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, it absolutely suckssss, specially for the ones who are the high Spectrum for it. It get so easily distracted and neverrrr can finish things. You always have new ideas that go to waste. Some even talk way to much, “hey Sarah did you do the science homework” *didnt answer fast enough* “omg did you heard about 6ix 9ine going to jail” “omg wait I think Alex leave his coat here let me ran 2 miles to his house.” Then there’s siting in class have the urge to move is a big one. That’s why class chairs sucks and WE ALL SHOULD BE ABLE TO STAND UP AND WALK AROUND A LITTLE. The hardest part is trying to force, when you have it you’re not dumb and you’re not trying to do this. Sometimes things just spilt out of your mind and you can’t control it.It takes you a lot longer to do takes, because you just can’t still Focus and concentrate. you forget pretty much everything that’s important. Friends may tell you to “calm down” or “stuck Focus “ even might dismiss you from doing work with them. And quick honesty that hurts the most because it makes you feel like you lost alll your control in your mind. ADAH isn’t a joke and it’s not funny, as much as I like to joke about it, it’s one of the most hardest awful thing to have.
“Yo jake keeps on jumping out of his damn chair, he must have ADHD or something.
by love,catherinexoxo December 8, 2018
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