What you say when you have reached the end of a conversation online.
Bill: Wow, your sister is hot.

Bob: ....

Bill: /convo
by Sophia Abigale June 20, 2008
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A Convoe is a shorter word for Conversation, which is communication between two or more people.

Convoes are the ideal form of communication in some respects, since they allow people with different views on a topic to learn from each other.
Trevor had a convoe with Irene.
They're convoe was about the Internet.
The convoes have been saved.
by Convoe October 17, 2010
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when someone is begging a conversation with another person
hi James
that's just convo
by tangoblast September 10, 2020
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An abbreviation for the word conversation. To exchange thoughts with another person.
Jenna was telling me about this phonesex covo she was having with one of her co-workers who turned out to be a bi-sexual drag queen.
by ennius July 10, 2003
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Short for conversation, usually used in text or instant messenging.
A)What are you doing?
B)I'm having a convo with my girlfriend on msn.
by conorschild December 21, 2005
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Short for conversations
My convos with Danny are really awkward.
by purplechick84 May 24, 2009
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A very short conversation, typically only lasting about five seconds. Best used when you don't want to have a full conversation but still want to talk to a person.
Daniel: Hey Ryan what's your favorite color?
Ryan: Oh it's blue.
Daniel: Great convo. (Leaves)
by Danltheginger October 9, 2015
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