When a male sits their partner down and urinates and ejaculates into his partners mouth while trying not to vomit
That throat boarding last night was so sick!

Please throat board me!
by That e Sex bandit September 5, 2022
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When two people of opposite sex fit on one long board or skate board and have gruesome sex while being recorded.
I was watching porn last night and came across this hardcore porn boarding.
by BlakeTheSnakeDager September 5, 2016
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When trying to overpower a conversation in hopes to have the other party understand but realize it’s just best to flood them with incoherent babbling while forgetting the initial intent of the converstaion
Gene uses word boarding to act as if he has a sense of humor instead of a 5th grade education.
by Mikael6139 June 7, 2023
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A longboard that a poser skates. Usually with clear or spray on grip. Not legit.
I heard Bob started skating.

Yea, He rides a mitch board.
by joshy washy November 7, 2007
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when you stand on a stolen McDonald’s food tray and get pulled by a car, simulating wake boarding around your neighborhood
Damn I’m board you wanna steal some trays from McDonald’s and go tray boarding?
by Candyman141 April 15, 2018
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When someone with a vagina sits on your face with a such force that you think you're going to drown in pussy, but you don't drown, you just have a face full of pussy.
by Kisa22 June 24, 2022
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When a bunch of people leave work at lunch and hit up the stripclub!
"The office is killing me"
"Tony, Bob, Andrew, Derek....let's go its time for a Canadian Board meeting"
"I've had this stack of dollars in my office burning a hole in my desk!"
"Let's hope that dollar burns a hole in a g-string"
by Diabestic January 23, 2015
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