To (prospectively) have penetrative sex with a female.

Possibly of Australian origin, this jocular euphemism for sexual intercourse is typically used by men discussing the attractiveness of a specific (but non-present) woman.

The phrase may be a derivation of the derogatory joke "She's so loose, it was like chucking a chipolata up the high street" in which the male speaker not only slanders the large size of the female subject's vagina, but also disparages the size of his own penis.
"That Helen Mirren's hot for a mature lady."
"Damn right mate, I'd chuck one up her!"
by Cat Dander August 29, 2017
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A phrase said when you have nothing to reply with and all that’s left is the feeling of pain. Or it could be used when someone says something out of pocket.
Azmain: I’m looking for a leng hijabi.
Hendy: iwl you aren’t getting any bitches

TLoba: One life😪
by TLoba2Splashy2Cashy October 18, 2021
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One Life - The Funniest Game Made By A Hummus Addict.
Have You Played One Life?

It's funny!
by JoeBama12 December 12, 2020
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To tear the widest of units, to defeat the largest of singulars, to rip the thickest one...
Lucas rip a thick one yesterday! He's dead
by NOON RAT October 19, 2020
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No one gives a fuck about what your birthday shows on urban dictionary first the names and now this shit, like I’m tired seeing these on my story’s
no one cares what you’re birthday says about you we don’t give a fuck
by Tim Tams November 25, 2021
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Someone or Something that has one hand/ arm.
Hansel Emanuel is a One Handien. Or you can say, You are a stupid one Handien
by Finn ( One Handien December 12, 2022
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