when someone is trying to explain smth to you but you don't understand, so they give up cuz they are done with you
person: hey do you wanna go to that concert?
person1: concert? whos? when ?
person: taylor swift. tomorrow.
person1: oh but I have a project due tmrw and I think I can adjust but--(bla blah blah)
person: nm, I should have stfu
by myeongli December 6, 2021
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Corrales is a small village of 8000 surrounded by Albuquerque and Rio Rancho. The place consists of 100+ year old historical buildings and houses, mansions, and trailers, art galleries and the Bosque/ river. Most people assume that Corrales is all rich people, and they are mostly correct, especially nowadays. Houses are extremely expensive and the 30% of people there who aren’t rich likely have houses that were bought before the year 2000. There are barely any young families, most people there are retired or use their corrales house as a summer home. There are only 4 ways in and out of corrales and cops will pull you over for going 1 mile over the speed limit. Corrales has changed over the years from Spanish village, to artistic community, to wealthy liberal community, to basically just wealthy. A trailer or old house gets razed almost every month to put a mansion in.
“Let’s go to Corrales NM this weekend to go to the brewery and check out some art galleries”

“John lives in Corrales NM, he must be rich!”

“I got pulled over for going 31 mph in a 30 mph zone in Corrales NM”
by Milfhunter69wow February 18, 2022
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NMB or NM is a part of Miami where kid have more money than people with jobs and real niggas come out of there
Nmb or NM IS THE Toughest city in dade
by Nmb or nm September 25, 2018
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Thing number one :“What have you Been up to

Thing number 2: “. Nm. U?
by Loco for coco August 24, 2020
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Jimmy: what are u doing

Karen: nm
by Dads side hoe June 12, 2023
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Girl bsf: Are you and that guy still talking?

Girl: Not nm
by uluvg July 1, 2023
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definition: Nice Match, used after a game to respect a player. It can be used when a game was very good or to make a team feel better about them self after they got destroyed.
Player 1: NM
Player 2: NM

Blue: NM
Red: Thanks
by Bhq_123 June 9, 2021
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