The position you end up in after an avoidable accident. Typically rolled onto your back after tripping over piles of hoarded magazines or falling out of your chair reaching for a hot pocket.
Tom remained in the epiphany position for awhile after slipping on marbles, in his prized marble collecting room. He now keeps his marbles in jars.
by Squidiculous January 2, 2016
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When you spontaniously think of the answer to a troubling problem when standing under the shower, usually just before applying shampoo.
Hey dude, I was about to rinse of the soap this morning when I has a shower Epiphany! the answer just came to me, it’s 42!
by GeniousForTheSoap March 14, 2020
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You are a member of the Epiphany club if you were born in the twelve days before or after Christmas (13th Dec - 6th Jan). Membership of the Epiphany club bestows some, if not all, of the following benefits:-
• People forget your birthday completely

• People will not buy you a Christmas / Birthday present (delete as appropriate), opting instead to buy you 'One big present' which never is.
• Nobody will want to attend a birthday party or go out on your birthday as they're too busy / broke / partied out / away visiting family. However will often say, "We will have a second birthday party in the summer" (which never materialises). There is an exception for those born on New Years Eve who do get to go out and party but attendees do it for the wrong reason.

• Your birthday presents (if you get one (see above)) will be wrapped in Christmas paper and the gift giver will apologise saying, "I couldn't find any birthday wrapping paper and had a lot of that instead"
I was born on Christmas day and get all the benefits of being a member of the Epiphany club.
by Milkysym October 25, 2015
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Someone who watches other people play video games that have knowledge-based puzzles, because (having played the game themselves already) they already know the solution and wish to re-experience the thrill of someone working it out.
Oh man, I finally beat Outer Wilds last night, and now I've turned into an epiphany vampire!
by TfGuy44 September 25, 2023
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A gay private school where the teachers are very strict
epiphany catholic school

is the gayest school in Miami.
by pqoqogc October 11, 2019
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When you realize something fundamental about life that until that moment had escaped your attention
Holy-Shit Epiphany: Your personality is a commodity!
Holy-Shit Epiphany: There is no suffering without life!
by Rudee November 10, 2018
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