“Eat ass or become ass” mid something you say before you do something crazy like push in a room in Rainbow six siege
Person 1: I bet you won’t push that bandit

by Ya boy Ben May 3, 2022
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Snubbing or being mean to the opposite sex for no real reason, Usually done by younger people.
high schooler #1 - Yo bitch! You're so dumb, I hate you!
high schooler #2 - Why did you say that? She's nice.
high schooler #1 - I don't know, I just hate her, she's a bitch.
high schooler #2 - What are you doing, practicing to become gay?
by the_carrot September 11, 2007
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2:die your hair more then one color. and if your parents won't let you, then die it all black.

3: cut your hair into a reverse mullet. long in the front, short in the back.

4:wear a WHITE belt. black belts are NOT scene.

5:shave, scene kids shave, you are NOT aloud to have facial hair. thats for hardcore kids. and we wanna be scene NOT hardcore , remember.

6:wear a bandanna in your BACK pocket. around the wrist is for emo kids. and scene is NOT emo.

7:go to hot topic or journy's and but slip on vans.

8:GET A MYSPACE, if you dont' have one you are not scene and will be called a scene poser. but learn to take pictures. alot of people try to hard.
after using 8 steps to becoming scene this will be said: scene girl:he use to be sooo ugly but after he became a scene kid he's hawt.
by theyogurtking June 25, 2006
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1. Goosebumps, but only if you're using google translate from Dutch.

2. The feeling you get when someone with skin fibrosis gently caresses you with a giant turkey leg purchased at Disney World.
The way John touched me with that meat stick was nothing short of astonishing. My dermal becomes turkeys when I think about it. Sadly, the antibiotics will take months to cure me.
by LOLWTFBBQZZZZ June 14, 2010
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Making love to a Wall Duct from a home ducted vacuming system.

Origin: A friend was talking about getting a ducted vacume system at his home. It was the logical lead on from such conversation.
"Dude, last night I became the hose"
"I walked in and this dude was becoming the hose."
by Staggaz June 10, 2004
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lm gonna become hokage
Me: No, youre not gonna become hokage you fat son of a bitch i will eat your anus before you do you sexy naughty bitchy fartnugget. 3=====D --- ___ ..
by a giant dinosaur raawr August 1, 2017
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