'Awesome-sauce' sounds much better then cool, amazing, fun, and the list goes on. If you use this word, it'll get you instant likes. Why use great when you can use awesome-sauce!
"That was totally awesome-sauce dude!"

Person 1 - Why did the chicken cross the road?
Person 2 - Uhhh, I dunno.
Person 1 - To get to the other side!
Person 2 - Haha! That joke is awesome-sauce. Where'd you hear it?
by TheFreeRangeCookie June 26, 2018
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What leaks out of a redditors ass after engaging in gay anal sex.
Thanks for the anal sex kind stranger! I still have awesome sauce leaking out of my ass!
by Trogmarsh December 30, 2022
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Used as a description of alchol when it is directly connected to someone's ability to be cool, or do cool things.
Did you see Tim last night?! Yeah, must have been the awesome sauce cuz she was waaaayy outta his league.
by SoCoola March 3, 2011
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Awesome sauce is used daily in our daily lives. I personally love this phrase. It basically means that whatever you’re calling awesome sauce, is very near and dear to your heart. You believe that the thing you’re calling awesome sauce is unbelievably and utterly fantastic. It is the opposite of atrocious.
Person 1: Look at that map!
Person 2: It’s so...

Person 2: Yes! You just snatched the words right out of my mouth hole
by K8lin is sups gr8lin March 2, 2020
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A self-defining word that Madison definitely did create in Paso, as she stated.
I’ve been working for KSBY for 3 years.”
by Definitelynotmadison October 19, 2023
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