One who uses organizational tasks as an excuse for not hanging out with in-laws and friends.
Is your wife coming to the beach for Labor Day? No. She just came back from container store, so she’ll be working on arranging and sorting every item in our house this weekend. She’s an organizing avoider.
by Aceholes Live! September 3, 2022
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A person who does everything within their power to avoid taking accountability for their life and decisions. They'll expect their lives to improve magically through no effort of their own, have an acute and outspoken sense of toxic entitlement, and blame circumstances out of their control, society, or mental health, for their bad fortune while actively avoiding all actions that would lead them to betterment. The typical avoider will live with someone vulnerable to their alleged plight and leech off them, creating a manipulative, abusive and/or at least parasitic relationship that loops each time a solution is suggested.

Avoiders become aggressive when advice is given to them, no matter how convenient or simple, as anyone with a differing view or options is painted as not trying to understand them but causing more stress instead. This is done as a shield, and often recalled for the express purpose of acting out a guilt trip. As they often have no real income they may be found begging and manipulating their friends for money, then bragging about how well they're doing, until the funds run out. Avoiders are unwilling to change and should, in turn, be avoided themselves.
Avoider: "I'm so depressed. Nothing is working out for me."
Friend: "We had a 6 hour talk with a recruiter willing to set you u-"
Avoider: "Wow I can't believe I'm in such a state and all you can think about is work. Whatever. Bye.."
by Shishitron1000 March 11, 2023
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someone who is perceived as avoiding someone or questions, but actually is answering or being preset in a truthful manner. I.E. someone misunderstood
"You're an avoider! You always avoid my questions!" "No, I answered your question, you just didn't like the answer"
by mailgoogle January 20, 2022
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phrase used when you don't want to perform activities outside your realm of comfort.
Friend 1: Hey, let's go hiking this weekend.
Friend 2: Absolutely not, i am trying to avoid fatigue.
Guy: Netflix and chill?
Girl: Nope, trying to avoid fatigue.
by x4vr March 29, 2018
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