An ignorant, derogatory phrase used to indicate that the receiver is a homosexual.

Also used as a general insult, but it can be very hurtful to other so it shouldn't be.
That guy is such a faggot.
by La Vida March 29, 2005
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As you can see, the other definitions are old and posted by self hating idiots. The real meaning for faggots:

Heterosexual males who are homophobes.
Dumb ass: i hatez faggots ! UR A FAG

Smart person: No sorry I'm not homophobic like you, I'm not even hetero! Too bad, you just owned yourself.

Dumb ass: uh... wot fuck shit i hatez myself......

Smart person: Well get an education, you'll feel better. Peace!
by I thought you knew? August 18, 2009
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(1) This is the key to offending any gay person ever.

(2) If you're being a faggot, that's different from being gay. It basically means that you're either an asshole, or stupid.
(1) Person 1- "Hey, did you see Tom over there, cupping that guy's nuts?"

Person 2- " What a faggot!"

(2) Person 1- "Stop kicking me seat!"

Person 2-*mocks person 1*

Person 1- "You little FAGGOT!!!"
by The Salty Sailor July 1, 2016
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someone with a stick up their ass, e.g. bigots, your childhood bully, terrorists, al sharpton, glenn beck, who must be incessantly trolled.
Guy 1: fuck you gaylord
"gaylord": better a dick than a stick, faggot
by swaggots July 2, 2011
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To be filled with a faggotism, Being an extreme faggot.
Guy- "Man, I think that guy was staring at you."

Guy-"Man, do I look faggotized to you?"
by Kali Carmelo October 23, 2008
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To turn something gay either through rallying or through the courts.
The courts would faggotize every Californian citizen if they had the chance.
by Mart Adler June 30, 2008
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