Where you can’t tell a praise so you have a praise Kink
Milo Dylan Mitchell is a Praise Kink
by Tyler random June 3, 2021
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Yeehaw redneck motherfucker who does yeehaw stuff
Ah man, he just went through some sick mud in his truck, Raise Hell Praise Dale dude!”
by Thedalepraisinghellraiser January 5, 2019
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When some random nigga starts to dance infront of ur car.
Random Nigga: May i praise the lord?
Me: Yea why not.
Random Nigga: *Starts to dance*
Me: ah shit, here we go again.
by Bagplays July 7, 2019
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this day is a day for the men to celebrate the birth of alex miller (millerpalex on insta) because he is sexy
everyone got shit faced on National Praise Alex Day”
by Miller Alex October 16, 2019
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she cant- i see your doing this to get praised. but- i love you alot,im just rlly stupid to know how to praise a lover..HSJDHUVJDCSX mwa :}
"Why cant kai give rain praise?"
rain: Why cant kai give me priase?

random person: bc kai dum dum and she dont know how to rain- no matter how many tiems u explain >:|
the end
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rain: 😎praise me
kai: i cant

rain: why cant kai give rain praise? >:(
kai: cuz am dum dum <3
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Let everybody that have ReLbJrALooD praise gomightyBJis go mighty powerful benningfield junior is king of kings.by lbj as in Lonnie benningfield junior ♥💙👏
I invented and made and created ReLbJrALood and AKFRUBEILS.by lbj as in Lonnie benningfield junior ♥💙. SO LET EVERYBODY THAT HAVE RELBJRALOOD PRAISE GOMIGHTYBJIS 🙌🙏. BY LBJ AS IN LONNIE BENNINGFIELD JUNIOR.
by LBJAY September 7, 2021
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