Terry was havin some self lovin after taking nude pics of himself
by mrspie May 24, 2010
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When you fuck the brains out of your toaster, usually resulting in intense pleasurable feeling and a toasted dick. It is recommended that you eat a bagel whilst toaster lovin'.
1) Danny: I work at Einstein's Bagels just so I can do toaster lovin' all day long. Mmmm...

2) Chloe: I wish I were a toaster so I could get some toaster lovin'. Also, I want bagels inside me...
by tdnizzle111 May 1, 2011
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The phrase used by the New World Order (tm) in order to facilitate the implementation of mind control techniques throughout the world. On hearing this phrase, teenagers have been known to flock to their nearest fast food outlet in a zombie-like fashion only to consume excessive amounts of salt and cholesterol, thus significantly shortening their life-spans.
I'm lovin it = eat this shit asshole
by Luke Dawson April 30, 2004
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McDonalds slogan. Needs to be replaced by something less enthusiastic.
Commercial: "I'm lovin' it!"
Consumer: "I'm likin' it ok, even if it's making my kids fat."
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Of or referring to oral sex.

Moreso man on woman.

(derivitive of the scandal between former president William Jefferson Clinton (affectionately known as "Bill Clinton") and White House intern at the time; Monica Lewinski.

hence the term "lewinski lovin'"
Man, my girl got me in love with her lewinski lovin!
by msneicy78 September 10, 2010
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Any sex act involving the ass
Hey baby, are you up for some rusty loving?
by sandy_x November 27, 2012
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"i'm workin' at mcdonalds and i'm lovin' it!"
"I am a retard!"
by Nikki November 5, 2004
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