An ancient Chinese kung fu move which involves a male or a female (hopefully not) whipping out their dick and using it to block a karate chop, hence the name Cock Block. It has the potential to hurt the owner of the dick, but usually ends the fight with the owner of the cock being victorious. This is due to the fact that the other fighter is afraid (usually) of touching the dick, because they don't want to become gay by doing so. If you're fighting a girl.... um i guess you're screwed
Dude 1: Dude I pulled a cock block last night in a fight!

Dude 2: Dude, that's gay.
by Big Chee October 10, 2008
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Any object, person, or idea that has the acute ability to discourage sex.
I was SO for it, but she said she was saving herself for Jesus. Shit, religion can be a cock block.
by King Oyster Smash December 31, 2011
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An application that chat roulette needs to add that literally blocks cocks from the screen. This would entail a cock-identifying application that would need to work better than facebook's face recognition feature. It would also cut down on 90% of chat roulette users.
He was going to flash people on chat roulette, but the new application cock blocked him. He's gone back to flashing girls at parties.
by Architect of Destruction November 23, 2010
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An all male dorimtory hall in college
by Anonymous November 5, 2003
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n. A person who cannot stand the site of a friend getting laid and therefore has to prevent any possiblity of this happenning.
My friend Crookshanks is such a cock block, he should wear shoulder pads when he goes out to the bar.
by Don't you want to know May 29, 2005
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tha fat ugly bitch that every group of fine ladies comes equipped with. she blocks all cock, unless she gets some too
man1: Yo it's your turn to keep the cock block occ upied son.
man2: Werd take one for the team.
man3: FUCK.
by borita August 10, 2003
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- third party that keeps you from engaging in sexual activities with that special someone in a given amt. of time.
I can't believe her. She could obviously tell we wanted to do stuff. She's such a cock block.
by Poseur December 4, 2005
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