When someone is too caught up in their feelings and lets their emotions over-ride everything else in their life.
Aubrey: Hey Wayne, why did he punch me?
Wayne: they were just up in their feelings
by drakebrah December 9, 2014
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Why are you looking up the word “Feelings”? Is it because you want some insight on how to describe the feelings that you have? Let me describe the feelings that I have.

I wish I had someone to make me feel no alone. No one knows how much I NEED someone to make me happy. I'm sinking in the quicksand of my own emotions and I need someone to pull me out. No one is there to save me. Absolutely no one to pull me out. I don't know how much longer I can go on feeling like this. I have no one and I never have either. I've been trying to find the answer, but I’m beginning to think that there is no answer. There is no answer to the loneliness that I feel. There is no way out of the quicksand of my own emotions. People say that there is always someone else in the world that feels exactly how you do. Knowing that doesn’t make me feel any less alone. My feelings have been like this for many years, and they seem to be getting worse. I wish that I could just shut my feelings away and just be happy. However, I can’t do that. I praise anyone that has the ability to do that. I don’t know when my feelings will change. I put all my hope into changing the way I feel, soon. If I don’t change my feelings, I am certain that they will be the death of me.

To whoever says that they don’t feel somewhat alone…You liar. Everyone feels alone sometimes. I bet that almost everyone when asked how they feel, they say, "I'm fine", when they really aren't. Stop being so proud or so scared and admit to someone that you feel alone. If you don’t want to admit it to someone, at least admit it to yourself.
Asked: "How are you feeling?"

Answered: "I'm fine."
by FeelingLikeHell May 5, 2009
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the feelings you get when you watch or look at some sort of picture of video, most times of a celebrity, where you cannot place what your feeling (usually feelings of the sexual variety)
omg after looking at that picture of one direction i have major harry feels
by harrysgravy69 July 14, 2012
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He tore off her brussier and copped a feel.
Janet deflected Justin's feel with her solar areolar medallion.
by Pat McGroyne February 17, 2004
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if u wanna do something or are happy about something
i'm feeling goin out now
by karen December 1, 2003
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1. an instance of touching a body part in a sexual way

2. to touch a body part in a sexual way
They started to feel eachother up just before Mom walked in on them.
by The Return of Light Joker November 28, 2007
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1.) A word used to describe something that is intensely emotional on a level somewhere between you feeling empty and you on the floor in a ball weeping uncontrollably.

Can be used as a noun in a format which implies it is something that is a part of your body.
1. Man, when I finished watching Angel Beats, there so many feels.
2. When I saw that dead kitten on the road my feels just died a little, ya know?
by Cirqit November 21, 2013
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