DOOM is an acronym for Day of Only Meetings. I.e. a work day where the whole or nearly whole day is booked up with meetings.
Sara: Hey could I schedule a meeting with you today to discuss my could've been an email topic?

Susan: No Sara, don't add to my DOOM.
by vonrocky August 8, 2023
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Doom Loop Delay (or DLD for short) is when a Doom Looper (someone who watches the same TV show over and over again) has been so entrenched in their Doom Loop, that they have become out of touch with current affairs & TV shows. Shows they haven't seen seem like they were released yesterday, although most non loopers have probably seen them already. There are varying degrees of DLD, from mild to severe.
Doom Looper in the year 2020; Hey friend, have you seen "Making a Murderer"? Its this CRAZY TV documentary show!
Friend of Doom Looper; Yeah, that came out like 4 years ago? Did you only just see that?
Doom Looper in the year 2020; Yeah I just finished it yesterday...

Friend of Doom Looper; What? What have you been doing?

Doom Looper in the year 2020; I was watching "The Office" for the 645th time...
Friend of Doom Looper; I think you're suffering from Doom Loop Delay.

Doom Looper in the year 2020; That's what she said.
by Det. Lloyd Gross November 14, 2020
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A more fast-paced game than other FPS game, even action-packed. This encourage aggressive and strategic gameplay in every combat loop.

What make it stand out as a FPS game is that instead of the conventional defense fighting style, DOOM Eternal not only want you to throw yourself into the horde, but also reward you which such, like using chainsaw for ammo, flame belch for ammo and more. Beside weapon mod for each guns, this game have no reloading mechanism. To prevent boredom from repeated fighting, a big part in fighting demon is Combat Dance. It is a fancy way to say that you will be jumping and moving around the combat area while fighting with your style.
Like it older game, heavy monsters/demons are unique with weak points on some of them. With unique strength and weakness, DOOM Eternal want you to figure out what work best, and what you like the most. It also can be a way to challenge you, with Hugo Martin saying that he's cool with "frustrating you so long as we have something to teach you".

Different from DOOM (2016) which introduce a lot more new enemies to line with it story, DOOM Eternal have reimagined the enemies in it game, with making old enemies much more accurate and aggressive like the Mancubus and new enemies that add more challenge and make the player rethink about the fighting strategy, with the most controversial being the Marauder.
A: What do you think about DOOM Eternal?
B: I don't know, a bit challenging. But I guess this game take time for you to learn.
A: What about you, C? You play a lot of this game.

C: It's good. Some people may disagree with these demon and boss design, but that's because they haven't found the beauty in fighting them yet.
by BonkerKay July 19, 2023
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When a friend or rival uses a false medical diagnoses to steal a person you were competing for.
Steve just Dr. Doomed me by telling Anne that I have throat Herpes.
by Jack Coinin December 12, 2011
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Adjective of any test, quiz, exam, report, or assignment given by Mr. Heape.

Unquestionably, it will be harder than any of its kind ever given before.
Christy: Hey, did you finish the test in English?

Sarah: Are you kidding? That was one of Heape's Tests O' Doom.
by CrazyWolfChick January 24, 2009
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Aw shit, here comes Brownyboy99 and Bold Heston having another battle in this Bold VS Doom War!
by Brownyboy99 October 8, 2020
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A mysterious silver-and-black duck found in Lake Erie Near Toronto, Ontario in Canada. The doom duck symbolizes the end of humanity, as well as bad static.

It often dives below the water immediately after being seen, prompting many to be accused of being crazy.
Person One: "What the hell's that?"

Person Two: "Huh?"

Person One: "There! On the water! It's a freakin' Doom Duck! What ever you do, don't touch any doorknobs!"

Person Two: "Dude, I don't see jack. Lay off the acid."
by The Bobamberon June 1, 2009
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