(adj) being arrogant, narcissistic, obnoxious, doing a poor job, being self absorbed, not caring about others, and having controversial opinions on women, race, religions and other countries etc.
He's so trump.
Alyssa thinks she's so holier than thou when really she's just trump.
by Danikinssss January 6, 2021
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The act of lying to someone to such a degree, that you're insisting that they overrule their eyes, ears, mind, memory, or any other sense they have, in deference to what you're saying.
Mike and Sally were having lunch, and a nice conversation. He suddenly trumped her, when he told her to ignore her eyes and what everyone else told her, and believe that his plain red t-shirt was actually blue, and capable of protecting them both from any disease known to man, as long as she sucked him off - because he told her so.
by aesirfan1963 November 13, 2020
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To completely fuck up, through sheer ignorance and ineptitude.
Did you hear how Jim completely trumped everything up? What a dumbass.
by people89635 April 3, 2021
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That isn't true, I don't want you to tell me another trump the rest of the night.
by 4thgen5280 March 12, 2021
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by AssPunisher69 February 1, 2021
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