Person who thinks he out shines everyone around. The main attraction.
1. Marcus was really big dicken at the club last night.
2. I was big dicken at the club and bought out the bar.
by CB Funk September 2, 2006
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When you and two friends have sex with a girl. One friend puts it in her mouth and the other friend puts it in her vagina while the other friend bastes her.
Hey guys want to go out Kyle's sister on a Brotisserie Dicken!
by Mudmallard February 2, 2022
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This is a process in which one fakes an injury or illness in order to scam friends and family into donating money to you
Chris is doing the Dickens Process. Hes going to Aruba in June.
by Keegnasty March 18, 2019
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A short ass kid, but the coolest nigga at the same time.
Ayyyye it's my boy geoffrey dickens!
by Lil Qwerty January 16, 2018
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Colloquial term for a dude who's always trying to sneak in his girls' backdoor, or one showing up after a night with that extra-kinky girl down the way.
Dude A: Well, if it isn't Poopy Dickens walkin' through the door at 5 a.m.!

Dude B: Fu*k off, McCheese. I had to get outta yer Mom's bed 'fore yerr Dad got back from the night-shift.
by OpusAtrum July 13, 2008
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Someone whom has a significant other but continues to flirt aggressively with disregard for their significant other. Common symptoms of shady dickens includes deactivation of Facebook (to avoid being tagged in pictures) and has multiple mobile devices to call different significant others in different countries. The successful shady dickens is able to balance all aspects of his/her relationships without being detected.
This shady dickens deactivated Facebook so Jody (his girlfriend) will not find out.
by shady by association June 28, 2013
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