A plural for a number of text messages sent
I sent him a load of textes
by Maddog Dixon April 2, 2009
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Unbeknownst to the others adding definitions, it is much easier to send a text than to call someone (maybe you just do not have any friends?). In the same amount of time it takes for the person to pick their phone up, you could have sent of multiple texts.

Secondly, nobody texts like: OMG WTF IS UP yoooo?Most kids now have smartphones (Blackberry, iPhone, etc.), which have full QWERTY keyboards enabling us to talk in a more literate manner.

Lastly, kids are learning in schools and parents do not really care if our face is stuck to our phones. We may be texting in school, but most, if not all, know how to do this little thing called multitasking. Kids really do not want to fail at school. We learn, get good grades, etc. Those that are failing are not failing because of texting. To succeed in school requires a certain mindset. Texting does not get in the way of that.

Texting is a more convenient way of communicating. A lot of people bash it because they're morons and cannot deal with change. That is all technology is, change...

These same people hated the change to DVD and now the change to Blueray. These same people bash social networking, emailing, navigation, etc. Hello, newsflash! We don't need to write letters and mail them anymore. There aren't people working in rooms connecting calls anymore...it's 2010.

We do not need to waste minutes of our lives speaking to ONE person...
1. Jimmy: Hey, what's up? Would you like to go to the mall later?
Joey: Yeah, let me ask if Sarah wants to come. I'll meet you by the Starbucks.

2. Me: Father can you bring my lunch and wallet to school before you go to work? I forgot them on the dining room table.
Father: Sure, anything else?

3. *Kid texting friend whilst sitting at his desk listening to teacher lecture*
*Teacher asks kids a random question about the thing they're lecturing*
*Kid answers*
by Yumlicious-:) March 16, 2010
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Using cell phones to communicate using text instead of calling one another. A popular activity among teenagers and cool people.
by See Jayy May 8, 2008
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Derived from the quote " Giving him/her a mouthful." Instead of actually telling someone off verbally your tell them off over text message, IM, E-mail, etc.
Brianna: Oh I'm soooo tired of Rick's bullshit.

Taylor: You gunna give him a Mouthful

Brianna: No I dont have time I'll just give him a Textful
by Theblacknes December 24, 2010
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The past tense for the verb "text" message.
Instead of saying "Yo man, I just text messaged her." You would say-

"I just texted that bitch." It sounds way cooler.
by Jfender24 March 24, 2008
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Inclined to text a great deal. As talkative is to talking, textative is to texting.
You okay? You arent very textative tonight. Short answer responses.
by miggymiss January 7, 2011
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The rathor childish act of sending a text message to another via Moblie phones.
A usual text message would read "I fancy you will you be my boyfriend/girlfriend" or "I'm gonna beat you up!"
by marc lewis August 26, 2003
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