if asking female that means are you sucking or fucking.
if asking another guy it means are you tryed to do something/ chill/ get bitches..
If talkin to a female you would ask " r u bout shit" so you know if your gonna get a nutt.

If talkin to a guy "r u bout shit" so you know if hes down to go get bitches/chill.
by P.O.P January 17, 2008
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when someones says something about themselves or others you ask them 'r u sure about dat' in a very sarcastic and kinda questioning way
I made it into da paintball team

r u sure about dat
by doseSKLZ March 22, 2017
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The message on the box of Super Mario Galaxy 2 if you spell out every letter with a tiny star on it backwards. Most likely a response to Super Mario Galaxy 1's cover spelling out "UR MR GAY" with every tiny star letter but forwards.
SMG1: ur mr gay
SMG2: ya i m r u
by Diyamund October 1, 2020
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All deh kewl ppl r dewin it! Lawl.
R u 4 sexes chat? Cuz deh crab alien iz gon nip yo ass if u pass up his sexes chat!
by Insomnia man March 21, 2007
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For lazy persons who couldn't write 2, 3 letters, such as:


One-letter words
Y - Why
R - Are
U - You
C - See
K - OK - Okay - Fine

Two-letter words
UR - You're - You Are
Ye - Yes, Yeah

Three-letter words
THX - Thanks

Words with(out) '
dont - Don't
cant - Can't
didnt - Didn't
couldnt - Couldn't
im - I'm
***Short and Incorrect***
Example I (short and incorrect)

User I: r u k?
User II: ye, y?
User I: i thought u r sck or somethin...
User II: na im nt thx

Example II (ALL letters are small and no ",")
User I: im ok u?
User II: ye i am
User I: k if ur nt tll me
User II: k sure
***Normal (long) and Correct***
Example I (long and correct)

User I: Are you ok?
User II: Yes, why?
User I: I thought you are sick or something...
User II: Nah, I'm not, thanks!

Example II (Letters are good and with ",")
User I: I'm ok, you?
User II: Yes, I am.
User I: Okay, if you're not, tell me.
User II: Ok, sure!

r,u,k,y,c = Are, You, Ok, Why, See
by dinomario10 July 11, 2008
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A way to ask someone for cyber sex. Usually used in this form for humor to make fun of those that actually DO have cyber sex.
by Mepy April 3, 2006
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Easy way to ask a female if she is "d" or ready to perform "rj", which is an oral sexual pleasure upon the anus and rectum of the male receiving the "rj". This is an incredibly easy 6 letter sentence most commonly used by the Los Angeles underground youth in the early 20th century.
Boy: (Just hit with a text letting him know she's home alone) Whatsgood bitch.

Girl: Nothing, just hanging.

Boy: R u d 4 rj?

Girl: Of course not, who do you think I am, Dylan Schapiro?
by NyjerR June 15, 2010
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