A comic book series featuring Batman that is published by DC comics.
Nerd 1: Yo dude I bought detective comics number 647, the joker is in it

Nerd 2: Whoa your so cool dude
by BatmanGod July 31, 2005
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The suspension of disbelief that allows comic-book & sci-fi fans to gloss over certain facts that would otherwise cause them to argue for weeks, months, years online.

1) Popular movies that have loud explosions taking place in the airless vacuum of space.

2) Green Lantern flying somewhere when he could just have his ring instantly teleport him to where he wants to go.

3) Batman not just shooting The Joker in the head & being done with it.
Fanboy: I thought it was cool when Spider-Man had organic web-shooters.

Shop Owner: Maybe. But shouldn't he have been shooting the webs out his ass then?

Fanboy: Comic logic, dude! Nobody wants to see that!!
by wesley2006 January 24, 2008
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A ghetto ass card shop in CB that houses comic city man, a fat bastard of a man who lives off of spray cheeze and the sraps of money he gets for the shitiest of things. There are always to fags by the window playin yugio-gay-shit so they can become proffesionals and make a living.
God, I'm gonna set a pipe bomb off in that store. The fags are like K-mart.
by Valo December 17, 2004
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Comic-Cough is a fast spreading air born virus, that is transmitted throughout thousands of San Diego Comic-Con attendees every year. The origins of this virus are still unknown to this day. However it is speculated that it only effects the young, and 20-30+ y/o basement dwelling virgins, as their immune systems are not capable of fighting off even the simplest common house mold.

Comic-Cough is a virus similar to the para-influenza virus, and the common chest cold. It was originally diagnosed as a form of tracheobronchitis, but was later filed as an "unclassified" human illness. This unpublicized status has allowed the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) to deny it's existence to this day.

Clinical signs of infections occur 2-14 days after exposure, and if uncomplicated with other agents, or bacteria, symptoms will last around 10 days.
Infected: I just shook Wil Wheaton's hand!

Uninfected: Get the hell away from me, you know that Spock sucker has Comic-Cough right?

Example 2:

Uninfected 1: Hey, did you hear?

Uninfected 2: About what?

Uninfected 1: Joss Whedon has discovered a cure for Comic-Cough!

Uninfected 2: Merciful Zeus!
by The Barn Shark July 28, 2010
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One of the largest and greatest comic companies in the world, and is Marvel's rival. People say DC is trash because Marvel has a better cinematic universe, but Dc is better in every other category. People also say that Dc rips off characters from Marvel but Marvel did the same thing. No One is innocent. But gotta love Marvel too. But Dc is sovereign.
Person 1: Hey which superhero universe is Batman from?
Person 2: Why, DC Comics of course! It shits on Marvel. But , Marvel fanboys get cocky because the MCU is better than the DCEU. But DC makes better everything else. Go DC!
Person 1: Alright! Go Dc!
by Hoodrat27 June 10, 2019
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Overused beyond credibility within webpages, MSN and other IMs. Fixedsys is better, being less common and simply more elite looking.
My friend used to use blue Comic Sans MS font on MSN, but when I started using black Fixedsys, he converted to blue Fixedsys.
by Bastardized Bottomburp June 29, 2003
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Four (or more) paneled comics using simple stick figures, line drawn faces and heavy use of memes.
Dude, this thing that totally happens to everyone, I'm gonna make a rage comic outta it when I get home.
by kenzerawesome August 19, 2011
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