When one shoots their load directly into their mouth so they don't have to get a snack when they're done masturbating.
Tony called me a jizz loving faggot that can't have his twinkies, but the jokes on him because I already had a handy comeback.
by CaptHandy July 11, 2014
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The section of time where you start winning and win any sports game after losing by 'most likely 12+ points'
Teammate: " yo we were losing by 20 and we won my boi "

You: it was Comeback season
by IcedOutMolester December 8, 2019
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When someone insults you and you say something so epic its leaves them shaking on the ground.
Person: Yo ego is as big as the world.
You: So is yo mama.
(that's an epic comeback for all you dinguses too stupid to know, but if you knew, good job)
by SansThePunMaster April 7, 2017
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A great come back is something that is said to purposely piss off, humiliate, or sadden the person you are saying it to. Some people often try to create good comebacks that absolutely suck saggy nipples. Like for instance if someone were to say "You are gay!" you would not want to just say to them "I know you are but what am I?" Because the answer to that question is that you infact are a homosexual (not literally mind you) just mentally. Another common BAD comeback is "I Am What I eat" ok so lets just create a scenario, Bob has just called Timothy a Vagina. I am what I eat would not work quite well with this because it would ultimately mean that Timothy is a Vagina, who eats... vagina. The key to a great comeback is originality. If done properally the victim that you have just "Verbally Bitch Slapped" will have nothing else left to say or do either than piss their pants or come up with a lame comeback.
(Note this is a AOL conversation, though screenames are not used to protect Identities)
Gay Max: well, i started project lama lama dingdong
Me: Is that what you kids call masturbating these days?

Or perhaps one that is intentionally meant to hurt someone, then you just through it right back in their filthy face!

Gay Max: I think you smell
Me: Good, now that we are being honest with eachother I think your the biggest faggot that has every step foot on this planet so commonly reffered to as EARTH
(Now watch closely)
Gay Max: i dont car
(He cares so much that he has indeed not followed the proper grammar techniques such as capitalize the I for himself and place an e at the end of car to make it car*e. What will he do next?)
Gay Max signed off at 5:37:01 PM.
(That pussy will sign off before you roast him again!)
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Some cool insults that girls should use on guys, hope this helps people!
Well, Here you go 4 great ComeBacks For Girls..

1. If a guy disses you in anyway at all then reply.. "You know i would slap you but i dont wanna make your face look any better"

2. If a guy says to you, why havent i seen you around? Then reply.. Yeah thats why i stopped going.

3. If a guy says something mean about your face then reply with.. You know i feel sorry for you, what are you gonna do for a face when king kong askes for his arse back (Remember say it with sympithy and concern)

4. Again this works for any insult... (Cough Allot and say OH.. NO!) The guy will go what? and you will say "WHY DO I HAVE TO BE ALLERGIC TO DOGS!"

by BarbieeGurlOx April 1, 2009
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quick and sarcastic answer to a comment or question
try answering my questions without a snappy comeback
by vitek September 15, 2013
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