A pejorative description of anyone who becomes angry or dismissive about a topic they have demonstrated a clear lack of understanding of.
Bob: Gotta take my kid for shots today. Man, she hates those.
Joe: Vaccines are total bullshit.
Bob: Umm... why so?
Joe: You're just poisoning your kids.
Bob: OK. How?
Joe: Use your head dummy! (Storms off)
Steve: That was informative.
Bob: Joe's aggressively clueless and doesn't hide it well.
by msmyj July 16, 2016
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A person that is clueless as fuck and has no idea what to do or what is going on
What the fuck is that ginger doing over there, he’s definitely a clueless ginger he has no idea what he is doing
by Fawnya York April 3, 2018
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The guys who strut around wearing Fedora Hats (or over-sized baseball caps, etc. ) thinking that they are the epitome of cool, when in fact, everyone who sees them is thinking :"He's a real Douche."

That man is Douche Clueless. He is unaware that he looks ridiculous.
"Check out that guy by the pool with the felt Fedora Hat. Ouch! He is Douche Clueless!"

When you brought the flowers for me, not knowing that my Mother just died, that was really Douche Clueless.
by BAD artiste April 22, 2017
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Marley is a clueless gronk with no sense of academic skills and she’s mad her bestie got a fatter ass
by March 11, 2023
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