An experience that is easy going, mellow, or light in stress. Making an action seem easy, or effortless.
"Dude, that test was so turkey. I'm gonna ace it for sure."
"Work's been turkey. I've been getting out at 5:00 everyday."
"Watch me turkey this twelve stair."
by brandondinosaur September 28, 2009
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some1 wiv a big arse and thighs would be called a turkey
mrs McOmish who works in gracemount high skool is a turkey
by xx-just moi-xx March 15, 2007
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A complete and utter lie. If listened to carefully, a slight gobble can be heard in the liar's voice.
What is this Thanksgiving, with all that turkey you're giving me??!!
by Raetim February 9, 2009
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when you sneak up behind someone and shove your fingers between their legs and lift them up.
Man #2: ouch, what the hell?!
Man #1: You've just been turkeyed.
by Shockey19 May 19, 2010
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A hott ass female that would "do in a bind".
A. "Damn! There's turkey all around us! GOBBLE GOBBLE!"
B. "That chick at the counter is a definite turkey."
by ruffleZ` July 29, 2009
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A term used to describe a girl (usually a teenage girl) who talks loudly, is constantly going about explaining things no one cares about, and gobbles about annoyingly.

Never really realizes she's being annoying.
Turkey: oh my GOD! Did you see what Jennifer Lopez was wearing on the red carpet. SO nasty!

Everyone else: *rolls eyes*
by Lisa-A March 30, 2011
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The most dangerous, evil, cruel, bad tempered, and usually ugly fowl ever. Hitler was reencarnated as a turkey. They will one day rule the world and have their own independence day. It will ironically take place on Thanksgiving.

apparantly..... the turkeys are coming.
by LA LA LA LA LA LA LA October 18, 2004
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