1. murder, murda
2. hard hitting, real
"On 50's new album he keeps it murdoch ."
by Comedian Denis Donohue September 10, 2007
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The best Monday you had/have/will have your whole life. Filled with unlimited treats (usually pastries, baked goods, cakes and desserts).
Just another Murdoch Monday
by brad455 August 14, 2022
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a panarcho-curious austro-geolibertarian ultramunicipalist peacenik cappie simp
Oh that Murdoch Maxwell is a cringe capitalist or something.
by SlangMoribundInstitute July 30, 2022
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A serious medical emergency...
Incidence - 1 in 500,000,000,000
Risks - Glaswegian, ginger in denial, triathlete
Symptoms - lying in hedges, talking vaguely about law in a strange ned-like accent, developing an aversion to downhill biking
cure - hair dye and 4 litres of whiskey
I was out one night and developed a strange case of murdochitis
by jizzzzzzzer April 25, 2009
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A greedy israeil fake news propagandist who wants to vaxterminate us all
Poopert murdoch silences all the anti vaxxers and bought a lot of pfizer stock
by D Flawless February 11, 2022
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Biggest dosser going, supports a dead team and thinks he's a top shagger. Oliver Murdoch also the tiniest nob known to mankind and when he tried to shag Clarke Harris a washed up pen merchant for Peterborough Shited Fc he couldn't get hard, poor Oliver has Erectile Dysfunction.
Oliver Murdoch is a wanker he wears a wankers hat he supports shit football team and he's a fucking twat.
by USER 5838283 October 18, 2021
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