A beautiful, talented girl with the voice of a mermaid/songbird/angel/otherthingwithamazingvoice and she usually takes her pleasures with peanutbuttercup pie from Bakers Square. Delicious.
Woah, did you hear that Sydney? She must of knocked Dr. Brown's sock off.

Yeah, I'm friends with Sydney. No big deal. You're just super jealous.

by bakerssquare August 9, 2011
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A very beautiful, out-going girl. Her love is one you'll never find again, but it's extremely difficult to control. She is in-love with only one person, but her heart tends too wander towards other men as well. She's very hard to keep balanced, but if you can find just the right touch, it's the most amazing feeling in the world. If you offend her though, she won't tell you. Instead she'll hold it inside and use all her time too destroy you. Be careful
1.Very beautiful
3.Very combustable
by ViperC July 2, 2012
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Sydney is someone who you can always trust. Her outgoing attitude may make you think otherwise, but she never tells anything. She is gorgeous. Occasional freckles, brown eyes, brunette, sexy body, tan, and perfect. BEAUTIFUL smile. Her positive attitude and radiance can brighten anyone's day. Being single is her thang. Once you hurt her, you are done. And if she isn't accepted, she doesnt care. She doesnt point out flaws, because she finds no point. She makes wise decisions. People around her encourage her to do bad things, but she has never accepted. She has more common sense than anyone. Is a big reader. But tries to excell in school even if its hard. Generally a soccer or volleyball player, modest about her incredible skill and speed. Can kick your a$$ and doesnt give payback only if it is 100% needed. Really funny. She is so confident and secure about herself that her amazing personallity just comes with the package. Dont get on her bad side, trust me. NEVER make the mistake of losing her because she is really hard to get back. Ideal for Long-Term relationships, and does only what is needed. Whoever meets her, automattically falls head over heels.
She is perfect in every way, and if you dont believe this...than im sorry, you're an idiot.
That girl over there is amazing. She must be a Sydney.
by dropitlikeitshawtt June 23, 2011
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The most amazing person you'll ever meet! Absolutely beautiful, halarious, and intelligent. Usually is foccused on one or two sports such as soccer and hockey and masters them. Very dedicated to her work and social life. Not always the most beautiful person on the outside but the inside is amazing <33 When everyone else are wearing booty shorts, she's wearing normal shorts (not a slut) Usually dresses beautifully everyday and even if she were to run a 5km marathon she's still look amazing! You could meet her one day and be best of friends with her the next. Basically an all around perfect person! <333
Guy 1: Man she's absolutely beautiful, I think I'm in love
Guy 2: Then go for it, ask her out
Guy 1: Dude, I'm too ugly and fat, she'll never say yes
Guy 2: Have you met Sydney? If you're close enough as a friend to her she'll give you a chance
Guy 1: Thanks bro
by laguy97 July 10, 2011
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Sydney has a great sense of humor, she has a cute but sometimes devilish grin. She Is irresistible to guys. Sydney is usually really protective about things they care about and dislikes most people. But that just means she either doesn’t trust them or she thinks they will make the people she cares about, to forget about her. She has a really bad temper too. But Sydney is overall a hot and cute, attractive person in general coming from personality and looks. When Sydney hugs someone it means she needs their company, if she kisses someone it means she actually loves them, and if she texts someone and wants to call them ever it means she misses them.
Wow Sydney is really hot.”
by Saxatile April 11, 2019
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sydney is generally a beautiful, nice, spontaneous girl.Friends go to her for advice, because she knows what she is talking about. when you compliment her, she is always flattered, but doesn't see it in herself. she is beautiful, and if you tell her that, it will mean so much to her. she is a great friend, and an even better girlfriend, who will give a guy all the time in the world. if you have her, never let her go. sydneys are crazy, wild creatures, but are truly amazing. Her eyes are a mesmerizing blue, and they turn light blue in the summer. she has passion for arts and music, and is in fact brilliant, though she may not show it. if you and a sydney are friends, you can trust her because she will not betray you. she has a guilty conscience, so she will always try to keep everyone happy. Her body is, curvy and she looks flat but once you get those clothes off your the luckiest guy in the world, and her personality is perfect. She likes holding hands, cuddling, eating food like a regular human, and mismatched socks. When she likes a guy, don't be surprised that she doesn't go for the popular ones. Her fashion sense is unique, like her personality. She is the best in bed but Her faults are breathing too loud and being clumsy. Don't betray the trust of her, though. She gives second chances, but isn't stupid and naive. Be kind to her, like she is to you. Sydney is the most spontaneous girl you will ever know, and she is not one you should take for grante
Sydney is sexy
Sydney is great in bed
Didn't get much sleep last night in bed with Sydney
I'm glad I'm fasting a sydney
by Sexysydney December 31, 2018
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A beautiful girl with gorgeous hair and a gorgeous smile. She's short, but full of love! She's super musical and will always serenade you with a song. If you meet her, never EVER ever let her go. Never even let your hand stop touching her. Be controlling and don't let her out of your sight.
"Hey man, That Sydney is real cool"
"I know, she's here next to me though because I'm a territorial jerk"
by JorkPhone March 17, 2018
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