A man who had the potential to be one of the greatest presidents ever, if not for the dysfunctional congress he was stuck with.
Obama: It's time to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire. The wealthy need to pay their share.

Congress: NO!

Obama: Let's begin drawing down forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Congress: NO!

Obama: Let's give small businesses tax cuts to encourage hiring.

Congress: That was originally our idea, but now that Obama's proposing it, NO!

Obama: We must do something to...

Congress: NO!

Obama: Oh screw it, I'll just give you guys everything you wanted.

Congress: NO!

Public: *blames Obama for not getting anything accomplished*
by coffee_lover November 4, 2011
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A well-intentioned president who, contrary to what the disaffected right-wing would have us believe, has actually made many accomplishments despite the craptacular state of affairs he inherited from his predecessor.

A president who (perhaps unjustifiably) has made sincere efforts at bipartisanship despite the unrelenting barrage of lies and bullshit from the right-wing attack machine who's only goal is to tear down his presidency at all costs, and the outright refusal of congressional republiturds to consider any of his ideas, even if said ideas originally garnered bipartisan support.
Notable accomplishments include:

Passage of the controversial stimulus act, which despite it's flaws, helped to curb job loss, improved our infrastructure, and saved many state governments from going bankrupt. Most economists believe we would be worse off without it.

Helped turn the economy around (the Dow was only in the 6000s when Obama took office)

Ordered the strike that killed Bin Laden, and implemented the drone strike policy that killed Bin Ladin's number two man and sent Al Qaeda running.

Passed health care reform, something many presidents have tried to do and failed. While it could have done more to bring down costs and less to appease the insurance industry, it was the best we could get in today's political climate, and it does bring America closer to the developed world in terms of health care.

And to the losers who are messing up the votes on the Obama defs, kindly fuck off and get a life.

To everyone else: don't believe any of the vote totals on these pages. They are being hacked! Yesterday, Obama-hating def 6189985 written by Star Destroyer 2 had 15 thumbs down and 0 up. Today (as of this writing) it magically has 60 thumbs up!! Likewise, def 6183602 written by coffee_lover had 16 thumbs up and 0 down, until today. Now it's 16 up and 47 down. I smell a Kochroach.
by not a dittohead November 11, 2011
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The next president of the United States. Barack Obama represents what is right in America, he keeps our dreams alive even in these tought times. Obama kicks ass, Hillary's ass, Mc Cain's ass, and all the assholes in Washington.
by Liberty Loving Liberal April 26, 2008
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The savior for man kind.
Ever since Obama got elected more people have been smiling
by Fiona Scoba May 16, 2009
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A general feeling of euphoria in the human body, most often experienced after a traumatic event is over and change is on its way. Do not be fooled by regular euphoria, having an Obama occurs only after the most extreme events.
Citizens of the USA all had a feeling of Obama after Barack won his first term as president.

I had an extreme case of Obama after I took a huge shit.

While I was pounding the shit out of her ass, we both experienced an Obama as we experienced simultaneous orgasms.
by Kyrotits August 11, 2009
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A person, who is widely acknowledge in his or her thoughts, or words of change in a time of need.
"You can always count on our Obama when things get tough!"
by Nybor Michelle January 19, 2009
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1. A Howdy-Doody puppet dipped in shit.
2. An absolutely zero-experience Curious George look-alike who, if elected, will provide America with a way to see monkeys perform without having to go to the zoo or the circus.
3. Provides White America with a way to express regret for slavery and attempt to appease the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
4. A slick, say-anything-to-get-elected politician who regularly attended the Trinity United Church of Christ for over 20 years and just now resigned his membership. Wants America to believe that he never looked up to or followed the teachings of the Reverends Jeremiah Wright and Michael Pfelger and that he never actually listened to their sermons.
5. Another lyin' ass piece of shit politician.
Informed voter: "Mr. Obama, Is it true that you attended Trinity United Church for over two decades but never actually listened to the sermons or considered the pastors to be preaching hatred and racial division?"
Obama: "Yes. Pastors Wright and Pfelger were never my spiritual mentors."
Informed voter: "You are about a lyin' motherfucker!"
Obama: :(
by lkkijj June 3, 2008
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