The source of all obesity in the world. The reason the United States has such a problem with being fit. They serve the absolute shittiest excuse for "food" and expect you to pay for it. "Big Mac" is their signature piece of shit on the menu, among other shit that they claim is now "healthier", but really isn't at all. Basically, if you eat there you are bound for a life of obesity and other health problems.
Guy 1: "Hey man its time for lunch; Want to go to McDonald's?"
Guy 2: "Hell no, man that place is shit. If you go there, that's pretty much suicide by junk "food".

Guy 1: "But I'm really hungry!"
Guy 2: "OK, but don't say I didn't warn you!"
(1/2 hour later guy 1 gets a call at the office saying that guy 2 died of a heart attack 3 bites into his first BIG MAC.)
by BIGRED1313 November 7, 2011
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A McDonalder is the square headed cretinous swamp donkey that operates the drive thru
I went through the drive thru today and the McDonalder serving me had more spots than a leopards nut sack
by Robbo14981 November 8, 2019
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The birthplace of pickle wars and chicken nugget hockey.
"Wayne Gretsky started his hockey career sweeping nuggets into the dustpan at McDonald's."
by Kris-10 April 28, 2005
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Where nobody wants to end up working.
Guy: *Sees D's and F's on his report card*
Guy: Shit! Better improve my grades, or I could end up working at McDonald's!

Example 2:
Jock: You're such a nerd. *Shoves nerd*
Nerd: (thinking) Enjoy this while you can, because in 10 years time, I will own a billion dollar company while you will be working at McDonald's.
by somebody143 January 1, 2011
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Inducing obesity since the dawn of time.

A place to get food you don't want and need, where you do not know how it is prepared.

Food that makes your heart hurt and something you know you shouldn't eat.

Cheap food that you regret eating later.
McDonald's Golden Arch
McDonal's Dollar Menu
by Aimee Bee. May 17, 2009
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The home of trash-eaters.

The CEO of McDonald's recently died of a heart attack? Don't you find that coincidental?

Plus Justin Timberlake should die for giving McDonald's that crap catchprase.
Do do do do doooooooooo ... I'm lovin it!

*dies of a heart attack*
by Mister Ignorant April 22, 2004
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a shitty ass place to work with asshole managers like lisa.
welcome to McHell may I take your order please?
by JmL May 1, 2005
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