A kerry is someone who is particularly large or overweight in their size. Male or female, they can be a kerry. This word originated in England, West Midlands in 2014.
"Is he a kerry over there?" The boy asked.
by Marshmello November 5, 2016
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If you're lucky enough to meet an Asian named Kerri, then you've done it all! She is amazing, genuine, and stunning physically and intellectually.
OMG, I just met Kerri,.. love her!!!
by QG1 February 4, 2010
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kerrie is glitches lover and wife etc. shes taken etc. irc couple to be found on anondox.com
kerrie ily!
by glitchofanondox July 4, 2009
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Kerris is a beautiful person, inside and out. She is truly a hot, attractive female but does not see it. Looks innocent but is secretly freaky and likes to be choked. Kerris cares for everyone around her even if she says she doesn’t. Kerris has boobs, and they are some damn good chesticals. Has great fashion sense and everyone copies her. Kerris is extremely funny and never doesn’t make you laugh. We love kerris.
Her : wow look at her

Him : oh yeah, she must be a kerris.
by Kerris April 12, 2020
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thw most beautiful girl a man could ever want. Kerry is always glad to see someone thats named Ian and that Ian kid is madly In love with Kerry.
whos that?
oh thats kerry, SORRY SHES TAKEN
by ian k. March 31, 2013
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A Lover of beatnik poetry, shaped like a Coop pin-up, a booty you could eat a Happy meal on, laughs like Betty Rubble and has Carrie Bradshaw-like hair. She's usually found doing spoken word poetry or managing family concession stands in the Summer. She also prints rockin' t-shirts. Digs black converse and mermaids
Whoa, that chick is sooo Kerri! I wanna kick it with her at the Cleveland Art museum and listen to her read poetry naked after I get her home! She makes me want a happy meal real bad!
by Papa Miles March 20, 2010
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