1.A word that we can say in America to confuse everyone.
2. Balls, nuts, testicles.
3. Expression of dismay or a substandard quality, unless belonging to a dog, in which case it means that the situation is highly satisfactory.
a:That film was bollocks!

b:I thought it was the dogs bollocks.

a:For bollocks sake you bollocking bollock, grow some bollocking bollock or I'll give you a bollocking followed by a sharp kick to the bollocks.
by dudeman April 16, 2004
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British term, an exclamation of something bad or said when something bad happens. Antonym is dog's bollocks (the).
by Matt Williams January 13, 2004
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A retorative reply to Americans, who are talking bollocks!
As in: "Actually, that is total bollocks".
by Joe Bloggs December 19, 2004
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n. (UK) 1. Testicals; balls. 2. An exclamation of dismay/frustration comparable to shit or fuck. 3. A lie or exaggeration. 4. the dog's ~, the very best; "the shit"; awesome.
1. "I wish he'd grow some bollocks!"
2. "Bollocks, I failed my math test."
3. "That story is such bollocks."
4. "His new Land Rover is the dog's bollocks."
by Jon January 19, 2004
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(1) I dont give a shit about
(2) Rubbish

(3) A bit broken

Bollock(ing) & Bollock(ed)
(4a)A telling off & (4b)Told off
'Bollocks to that' (1)

'(1) Bollocks to that (2) bollocks it's (3) bolloxed and we'll get a (4a) bollocking and I hate being (4b) bollocked'.
by .mini.moke February 23, 2006
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In Ireland you call some one stupid a bollocks.
what the fuck do ya think ya doing ya fecking bollocks...ya?!
by lee April 7, 2005
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